The line, random, and split objects have been essential for creating a musical expansion of the initial project. Max comes with a collection of objects that can make even further processes possible.
To generate probabilities, to apply some criteria to some actions happening in the patcher it is often useful to have available to use some data. An itable object could come handy.
When the slider releases a value that value is a query to the itable index just below: it queries what number is associated with the index. From the itable output the value is then again split, adding further probability. Musically, these choices simply determine which, between two duration and start times, will be used by the envelope function.
Maximum, minimum, mean
These three objects can operate on incoming lists of number. They can compare each elements to another and report on the maxim, minimum, and the medium value.
ZL objects
ZL object can be accessed by creating a new object and type in zl. Then is often useful to lookup the help file, which contains the numerous applications of zl, with relative specific argument.
A zl objects that groups an incoming list of numbers is called zl group, another that stores a list on the right inlet to be triggered later by a bang in the left inlet is zl reg
To be able to handle lists and numbers properly you need to know how to use well these three objects. They can glue together into lists numbers (pack, pak) or the opposite, dismantling a list into each of its components.
The difference between pack and pak is the type of inlets: pak has only hot inlets, meaning that any value reaching it would trigger a list in the output, without waiting for the other item of the list to be there (in that case it will be replaced by a zero).
many more objects to try :
decide, prob